At ,If you believe that any content on our site infringes your copyright, please contact us immediately.
DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice
If you believe that your work has been reproduced or distributed in a way that constitutes infringement, please send us the following written notice:
The copyrighted work you claim has been infringed, including any registration or publication number.Location on website of infringing material
Your details such as email, phone number, name, address
A statement by you that the use of the material in question is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law.
An electronic signature, or your handwritten signature.
Send your DMCA takedown notification to our agent:
Phone: +92 313 5349319
Submit a counter-notification If you think that your content was removed by mistake or that you have the right to use it, you can file a counter-notification.
So if you suspect that your content was removed mistakenly or that you have grounds for using it, you can file a counter-notice. In order to send through a proper counter-notification, you need the following:
That is your name, home address and contact information.
Details of what content was removed and where it appeared prior to removal
A statement that you reasonably beleive the material was removed by error or misidentification.
A declaration, made under penalty of perjury, stating that you have authority to post the material and that you believe removal was improper.
Your electronic signature:
If it is determined that the content on this website directly or indirectly infringes a right of copyright, then we will remove or disable access to it as provided by the DMCA upon receipt of a valid DMCA takedown notice. However, if we receive a counter-notification that we determine is valid, we will restore the content within 10 to 14 business days of receipt unless the copyright owner obtains a court order against the user.
Repeat Infringement:
Actually DMCA also It Based Just Like CarParkingGuide. Any user found to be a repeat infringer will have their access revoked.
Data till Oct 2023 CarParkingGuide. We do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any content uploaded by users on our website, and we also are do not represent third-party sites linked to our website. We will only take down content executing legitimate DMCA takedown notices.
Contact Us
We deeply appreciate this trust from you. If you have any quries about our privacy policy then given details are below:
Phone: +92 313 5349319
Thanks For Visiting Car Parking Guide com! We are dedicated to protecting your privacy so you can learn how to park in confidence without difficulty.
We hope that this policy will help you understand how we work to protect your information and what your experience is on Car Parking Guide.